Notice No.57
时间:2022-05-06 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website

on the Resumption of Offline Teaching
in the Third Grade of High Schools
and the Third Grade of Junior High Schools
in Shenyang
(No. 57)

According to the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Shenyang and in accordance with the principles of scientific and precise prevention and control and returning to school in an orderly manner in batches, the relevant matters concerning the resumption of offline teaching in the third grade of high schools and the third grade of junior high schools in Shenyang are now announced as follows:

From May 6, the third grade of high schools and the third grade of junior high schools in Shenyang will resume offline teaching.

All regions and schools shall strictly follow the requirements of the "Shenyang Primary and Secondary Schools Work Plan for Back to School During the Epidemic Prevention and Control" and make various preparations. Students and faculty must return to school with the negative reports of nucleic acid test for 3 consecutive days before the return date and the 14-day health monitoring record.

Shenyang Headquarters

for COVID-19 Epidemic

Prevention and Control

                                                                                           May 3, 2022

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