Chen Shuangwei, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, Met with Representatives of Japanese Funded Enterprises in Shenyang
时间:2024-05-13 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office
On May 7th, Chen Shuangwei, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, met with representatives of Japanese funded enterprises in Shenyang, including Tagami Shinichi, General Manager of Shenyang NSK Precision Co.,Ltd., Yoshiyuki Harada, President of Astellas Pharma China, Inc., Ei Nakayama, Joint General Manager of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (China) Limited Shenyang Branch, Kawahara Rei, General Manager of Shenyang Senying Cultural Media Co., Ltd., and Toshi Liangmaoyue, Chairman of Board and President of Shenyang Bridgestone Co.,Ltd. and had in-depth exchanges on providing better services to the enterprise, ensuring the safety and well-being of Japanese nationals, establishing a regular contact mechanism and enhancing information sharing.

Director Chen Shuangwei stated that currently, Shenyang City is deeply implementing the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the revitalization and development of Northeast China and Liaoning. With the overall goal of accelerating the construction of a national central city and an international central city in Northeast Asia, Shenyang is accelerating the construction of "one hub, four centers", and striving to be a "vanguard" in Liaoning's efforts to build an open and cooperative hub in Northeast Asia. The Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government will continue to strengthen "foreign affairs+" and make every effort to build an "International Shenyang", leverage the advantages of foreign affairs resources, actively assist Shenyang in creating a market-oriented, legal, and international first-class business environment, continue to serve as the "Chief Service Officer" for foreign enterprises, play the role of "Foreign Affairs Manager", strengthen targeted services, strongly support their investment and development, and ensure the safety and prosperity of foreign nationals in Shenyang. Director Chen Shuangwei expressed the hope to establish a regular communication mechanism with key Japanese funded enterprises in Shenyang, smooth communication channels, and strengthen information sharing; moreover, jointly plan and organize activities, further expand exchanges and cooperation in culture, sports, tourism and others, so as to strengthen interaction, deepen friendship, and enrich the leisure life of foreign nationals in Shenyang.

As a representative of Japanese funded enterprises in Shenyang, Tagami Shinichithe, General Manager of Shenyang NSK Precision Co.,Ltd., thanked the Foreign Affairs Office for the long-term support and assistance in the development of Japanese funded enterprises in Shenyang. He said "the business environment in Shenyang is getting better and better, and the development of Japanese funded enterprises in Shenyang has benefited greatly." In the future, Japanese funded enterprises here will continue to explore new models of exchange and cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Office, actively participate in various "Hello, Shenyang" activities, continuously provide suggestions for Shenyang's economic and social development, build a platform for economic and trade cooperation, and make new achievements in exchange and cooperation between Shenyang and Japan.

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