Colorful and Auspicious Dragon Boat Festival Spreads Friendship ——The China Russia Youth Cultural and Sports Exchange Day held in Shenyang
时间:2024-06-27 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

In order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, taking the "2024-2025 Sino Russian Cultural Year" as an opportunity, on June 7, on the occasion of China's traditional Dragon Boat Festival, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, the Municipal Sports Bureau and Shenyang People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries jointly held the activity of "Colorful and Auspicious Dragon Boat Festival Spreading Friendship - Sino Russian Youth Cultural and Sports Exchange Day". With the theme of promoting understanding through people to people exchanges and lasting friendship from generation to generation, the delegation of the Russian Ilkutsk Baikal Martial Arts Association and the consular officers of the Russian Consulate General in Shenyang were invited to No. 1 Primary School of Nanjing Street, and colorful exchange activities such as Baduanjin(Eight Pieces of Brocade) performance, calligraphy interaction, intangible cultural heritage display and experience of Dragon Boat Festival culture were carried out.

No. 1 Primary School of Nanjing Street showcased the campus culture of primary and secondary schools in the city. The dance club performed Dragon Dance and showcased the traditional Chinese Baduanjin fitness qigong. The delegation from the Baikal Martial Arts Association in Irkutsk, Russia performed martial arts, and young people from both China and Russia exchanged Dragon Boat Festival sachets and five-colored strings, and wrote "Friendship Lasts for Time" in Chinese characters. Members of the delegation experienced the cultural connotation of the traditional Chinese festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and experienced the straw weaving craft as intangible cultural heritage on the spot, and gained nice and precious  friendship in the interaction.

President of the Baikal Martial Arts Association in Irkutsk, Russia, said that after visiting Shenyang multiple times, the city has become more and more beautiful, and international exchanges here are constantly deepening. In the Gragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, by making Zongzi(sticky rice dumplings) by hand, the team members and Chinese children further understood and became more fond of Chinese traditional culture and history. 

This event has enhanced the understanding and friendship between young people in Shenyang and its sister city Irkutsk, providing a platform for cultural and sports exchanges between the two countries. By experiencing the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture firsthand, young people have become inheritors and promoters of Sino Russian friendship. The FAO of the Municipal Government(Shenyang PAFFC) will focus on strengthening "foreign affairs+" and building an "international Shenyang". It will organize and carry out friendly international people-to-people exchanges in various fields, promote the spirit of peace, development, friendship, and cooperation, and promote mutual understanding and friendship among people of all countries.

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