“Hello, Shenyang ”International Youth Exchange Summer Camp Opening Ceremony was Successfully Held
时间:2024-07-24 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office
On July 16th, the opening ceremony of the "Hello, Shenyang" International Youth Exchange Summer Camp, jointly organized by Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenyang Municipal People's Government, the Shenyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and Shenyang Normal University, was successfully held. Chen Shuangwei, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, Sun Tao, Secretary of the Communist Youth League Shenyang Municipal Committee, and Yang Song, President of Shenyang Normal University, attended the opening ceremony of the camp.

In order to implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping's guiding spirit on "expanding exchanges between the people of China and the United States, especially the younger generation, and inviting 50,000 American teenagers to come to China for exchange and learning in the next five years", the campers, invited by Foreign Affairs Office, come from Shenyang's sister cities - Chicago in the United States and Gumi-si in ROK.

The summer camp lasts two weeks. Relying on the regional characteristics of Shenyang, it has arranged a variety of activities in the form of lectures, intangible cultural heritage experience, cultural tour, interactive exchanges. The campers will fully experience the urban spirit and unique charm of Shenyang from multiple perspectives, including learning traditional Chinese cultures such as tea culture, Na's cheongsam, Chinese Peking opera, seal cutting, paper cutting, rope weaving, traditional Chinese painting and Taichi, experiencing the intangible cultural heritage of sugar paintings and cotton paintings, exploring the World Cultural Heritage - Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum and visiting Liaoning Provincial Museum, Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Museum, and BMW Tiexi Factory Co., Ltd.

The representatives of the campers expressed their strong interest in Chinese culture and their expectations for this trip to Shenyang in their speeches. They hope to enhance their understanding of Chinese culture and the city of Shenyang through the summer camp, and strive to become a bridge and link for the exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries.

Yang Song said in his speech that he hopes every camper participating in this summer camp can learn Chinese carefully, experience Chinese culture to the fullest, and perceive the historical heritage and modern development of Shenyang during this cultural exploration journey.

In his speech, Chen Shuangwei stated that with foreign investment and enterprises flocking in, China Europe freight trains connecting thousands of miles, and international flights reaching every corner of the world, today's Shenyang's international reputation and competitiveness are further enhanced, and its internationalization level is constantly rising. Everyone will have the opportunity to experience the charm of Shenyang city for two weeks, and personally experience the open, friendly, vibrant, and modern "International Shenyang".

At the opening ceremony, the unveiling ceremony of the "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base" awarded to Shenyang Normal University by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenyang Municipal Government was also held. The Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenyang Municipal People's Government and the Shenyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League jointly signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shenyang Normal University, reaching a consensus on future cooperation in jointly building talent training platforms, strengthening youth exchanges, and advancing party building.

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