Delegation from Hamamatsu City, Japan Visited Shenyang
时间:2024-08-14 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office
From August 8th to 9th, Toshihide Sudo, Director of Tourism Promotion Division of Hamamatsu City, Japan, led a delegation to visit Shenyang and held a work meeting with  Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang Municipal Government on the series of activities to be held in 2025 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the sister city relationship between the two cities, further promoting cooperation in various fields between the two sides.

Leaders from Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government said that Shenyang is anchoring the overall goal of accelerating the construction of a national central city and an international central city in Northeast Asia, accelerating the construction of "one hub and four centers", promoting industrial development and transformation, urban development and transformation, social development and transformation, and striving to be a pioneer in Liaoning's building of a hub of opening up and cooperation in Northeast Asia. International sister cities are important channels and platforms for cities to carry out foreign exchanges, and are important windows for Shenyang to communicate with the world. Shenyang has been actively expanding its circle of international sister cities.     Since the establishment of sister city relationship with Sapporo, Japan in 1980, Shenyang has optimized the layout of sister cities, opened up channels for sister cities, strengthened exchanges with sister cities, and the number of international sister cities has been increasing. The fields of exchanges have been continuously expanded, and the results of exchanges and cooperation have been fruitful. The Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang Municipal Government has thoroughly implemented the provincial and municipal initiative of consolidating cooperation with Japan and has always been committed to deepening all-round and multi-field exchanges and cooperation with  sister cities in Japan. It is hoped that the two cities will take the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the sister city relationship next year as an opportunity to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, manufacturing, convention and exhibition industry, etc., on the basis of traditional cooperation areas such as high-level mutual visits, personnel exchanges, cultural, tourism and youth exchange, and comprehensively promote the upgrading of the sister city relationship between the two cities.

Director Toshihide Sudo said that he had personally experienced the unique charm of Shenyang during this visit. Since Hamamatsu City and Shenyang established a friendly and cooperative relationship, they have been working together and achieved fruitful results. It is expected that the two cities will take the 15th anniversary of the establishment of friendly and cooperative city relations as a new start, continue to work together and leverage their respective advantages, deepen pragmatic cooperation in more fields, and benefit the people of the two cities.

During their stay in Shenyang, the delegation also inspected Shenyang Vanke China-Japan Industrial Park to learn more about the construction and development of the park, and  visited the "China-Japan Sister City Commodity Market".

Hamamatsu City is a city designated by government ordinance of Japan, with an area of 1,558 square kilometers and a population of about 793,000. It is a famous "Manufacturing City" in Japan and the birthplace and headquarters of companies such as Suzuki Motor and Honda Motor. The musical instrument industry, fiber industry, and optoelectronic industry are well developed. Japan's first light car, power-assisted bicycle, home-made piano, and TV were all born in this city. Hamamatsu City is also known as the "City of Music" and has a number of internationally renowned music events such as the "Hamamatsu International Piano Competition". Shenyang and Hamamatsu established a friendly and cooperative city relationship in August 2010.

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