"I'd like to come to Shenyang again"
时间:2023-05-06 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website

"Shenyang people are so enthusiastic!"

"I don't want to leave.

I'd like to come to Shenyang again."

On May 3,

the last day of the May Day holiday,

many tourists were reluctant

to part from Shenyang

as they were about to leave.

The heartwarming services

of Shenyang culture and tourism

have touched the hearts of tourists!

At 17:30 on May 3, in the song of "Shenyang Welcomes You" sung by the Children's Choir of Shenyang Daily, Zhang Xueliang's Former Residence Museum saw off the last tourist during the May Day holiday. When the melodious song just started, many tourists lingered in the former residence to take photos to leave behind beautiful memories of this holiday.

The Shenyang "9.18" Historical Museum also provided the warm service. During the May Day holiday, the museum launched a service measure called "tourists decide when to open and close". The opening and closing times of the museum were determined by the first visitor to arrive and the last visitor to leave on that day respectively.

On the last day of the holiday, Shenyang Museum was still crowded with people. On the same day, the signs at the exit of Shenyang Museum, which read "Wishing you a safe journey back", "Welcome to Shenyang again" and "Thank you for your coming from afar", as well as the Shenyang century-old brand "Guozimi" soda that the museum offered, made visitors feel considerate.

The end of a journey

also signifies the beginning

of the next exciting journey.

Spring flowers are blooming!

Shenyang looks forward to your next visit!

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