Shenyang Fangcheng takes a new look
时间:2023-09-28 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website


citizens passing by Shenyang Fangcheng

may find that

the exterior facades of some buildings

on Shenyang Road, Zhengyang Street

and Chaoyang Street

are quietly undergoing changes.

The architectural styles and colors

that were only found

in the Shenyang Imperial Palace

or ancient buildings in Shenyang

are gradually being showcased

in Shenyang Fangcheng.

Since the beginning of the year, 54 key projects has been implemented in Shenyang Fangcheng, including 34 infrastructure projects for the renovation of main street facades, the road paving and section optimization, the improvement of roads and landscapes around the Shenyang Imperial Palace, the renovation of alleys and the smart street lamps and lighting.

The projects focus on reproducing the complete memory of history and showcasing the "hashtag-shaped-lane and nine-rectangle-grid" spatial layout and the historical style of Shenyang Fangcheng.

In the renovation of building facades, not only are the characteristics of the original ancient buildings retained for some buildings, but also the modern commercial atmosphere is integrated in them.

Key areas such as the door header have been highlighted. For some original antique-style buildings, their antique styles have been further activated.

Yellow coloured glaze,

green ridge and verge tile,

small sloping tile,

swastika decoration pattern

and exclusive colors

of Shengyang Imperial Palace

make an appearance here.

Come and visit Shenyang Fangcheng!

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