Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office (Municipal Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) launched the Campaign of "Solving People's Worries, Alleviating People's Difficulties, and Warming People's Hearts"
时间:2024-03-06 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

On March 4th, in order to promote the spirit of Lei Feng, cultivate and practice the socialist core values, and further advocate the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress", seven representatives of party members and cadres from Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office (Municipal Foreign Friendship Association) went to Nanyanghu Sub District in Yuhong District to discuss and exchange ideas with community secretaries and representatives with the aim of "solving people's worries, alleviating people's difficulties, and warming people's hearts" by paying on-site visit, listening to public opinion, and deeply carrying out the Campaign of Sending Warmth from the Party.

Wang Yushuang, Secretary of CPC Nanyanghu Sub District Working Committee, gave a detailed introduction to the overall situation of the Sub District and expressed gratitude for the strong support provided by Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office. Liu Donghai, Deputy Director of Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office, gave a detailed introduction to the implementation of the special work team mechanism. Leaders of the special team and community secretaries conducted in-depth communication. The community secretary proposed that Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office provide support in implementing the "Two Neighbors" concept, foreign language training, convenient foreign affairs services, and joint activities organization. Deputy Director Liu Donghai expressed his hope to integrate resources and complement each other's advantages with Nanyanghu Sub District through various channels such as joint organization of activities and resource sharing, continuously improve special work team mechanism, and create a brand name for party building and international exchanges. After the meeting, Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office (Municipal Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) team visited the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Jincheng Community, Nanyanghu Sub District.

Next, Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office (Municipal Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) will establish closer ties with the community, accurately get to know with the needs of the public, continuously improve their sense of gain, happiness, and security, solve their problems, call out "I am Lei Feng" with practical actions, actively provide volunteer services, and contribute to the development of Shenyang as a national center city and an international center city in Northeast Asia, integrating more foreign efforts power to writing a new chapter of Shenyang in Chinese modernization.

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