FAO of the Municipal Government Awards Shenyang Foreign Affairs Service School the Title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base"
时间:2024-03-16 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

On March 14, the FAO of the Municipal Government held a ceremony in Shenyang Foreign Affairs Service School(SFASS), and awarded SFASS the title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base". Ye Hang, Deputy Director of the FAO of the Municipal Government, and Zhang Xuesong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of SFASS, jointly unveiled the plaque. Ma Ying, Secretary of the Party Committee of SFASS attended the ceremony.

Deputy Director Ye Hang fully affirmed the positive role played by SFASS in recent years in foreign exchange and cooperation, enhancing Shenyang's international image and expanding Shenyang's influence on the outside world. As one of the first batch of national key secondary vocational schools and a national demonstration school for the reform and development of secondary vocational education, SFASS has abundant teachers and rich experience in foreign exchanges, and is one of the key schools with the ability of developing international joint programs. As early as 1993, it carried out exchange programs of expert lectures with countries like Japan and Germany; in 1998, it became a sister school with Pacific International Hotel Management School; in 2000, SFASS developed a joint program with Australian schools by introducing high-quality education resources, and actively promoting credit mutual recognition and academic qualification promotion, which significantly improved the internationalization of the faculty and the quality of technical and skilled personnel. SFASS has won more than 60 honors and titles above the provincial level, such as National Advanced Unit of Vocational Education, National Top 50 Vocational Institutions in Internship Management and Top 50 in Teaching Management.

Secretary Ma Ying expressed her gratitude to the FAO for the strong support over the years. SFASS will take the title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base" as an opportunity to build an international exchange platform, promote the "Belt and Road" vocational education exchanges and cooperation, and actively carry out overseas exchange and training. It will make every effort to build an international exchange platform, promote "Belt and Road" vocational education exchanges and cooperation, actively carry out overseas exchanges and training, further promote the international development mode of "Chinese language + vocational skills", serve the international production capacity cooperation and "going overseas" of Chinese enterprises, enhance the international influence of Shenyang vocational education and make greater contribution to running a better vocational education to the satisfaction of the people.

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