Shenyang Businesswomen Included in Forbes' List
时间:2024-03-22 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website

Forbes China recently released the list of "100 Power Businesswomen 2024".Two female entrepreneurs from listed companies in Shenyang made the list!

Zhao Wenjun,Co-founder and Executive Director of Shiyue Daotian Group 

Gao E,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Zhao Wenjun has been deeply involved in the kitchen staple food industry, and the two generations of her family have been engaged in the grain industry for 40 years, creating a leading and rapidly growing kitchen staple food enterprise in China. In 2005, Zhao Wenjun entered the kitchen staple food industry. In 2011, she founded two major brands, "Shiyue Daotian" and "Chaihuo Dayuan", and after 12 years, she has created the "No.1 rice stock listed in Hong Kong Stock Market". As of now, Shiyue Daotian has achieved the leading sales volume of northeastern rice in China for 4 consecutive years, and has served a total of 120 million Chinese household users through all channels.

Gao E graduated from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and was the first fresh graduate from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University introduced by Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd since its establishment. She has been working at Xingqi Pharmaceutical for 27 years and has served as department heads in multiple departments of the company. She assisted Liu Jidong, Chairman of the Board, led the team in the field of ophthalmic drugs all the way forward, and promoted and witnessed the rapid growth of Xingqi Pharmaceutical from a neighborhood enterprise to a benchmark listed enterprise in the domestic ophthalmic field. During her tenure, Gao E focused on the drug quality and safety, emphasized management improvement, and promoted the high-quality development of the enterprise. At the end of 2023, Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd stood out from over a hundred organizations nationwide and won the 20th National Quality Award. Shenyang Xingqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd also became the only pharmaceutical enterprise to receive this honor.

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