Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office Awards Shenyang Polytechnic College the Title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base"
时间:2024-04-01 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

On March 20th, Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office held a ceremony at Shenyang Polytechnic College, awarding it the title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base". Guo Hongyan, Deputy Director of Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office, and Li Hongyin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenyang Polytechnic College, jointly unveiled the plaque.

Deputy Director Guo Hongyan fully affirmed the positive role played by Shenyang Polytechnic College in recent years in foreign exchanges and cooperation, enhancing Shenyang's international image, and expanding Shenyang's external influence. Shenyang Polytechnic College, as a unit of building high-level majors with Chinese characteristics and a municipal higher vocational college in Shenyang, focuses on cultivating international high-quality technical and skilled talents, introducing and absorbing world-class educational resources and talent training models. The college provides "Chinese+Vocational Skills" foreign aid training to Thai teachers and technical workers from Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Brunei. It carries out international teacher training and scientific research cooperation with the UK International Talent Exchange and Vocational Training Service Center. It undertakes the 12th China Japan International Symposium on Environment and Health, builds an international academic exchange platform, and contributes to the international ability of the teachers.

Secretary Li Hongyin expressed gratitude to Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office for its strong support over the years. He stated that the college will take the opportunity of being awarded the title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base", adhere to the principle of gearing education to the needs of the world with the open mode of education, conscientiously implement the task of deepening reform and expanding opening up in the field of education services, and make every effort to build an international exchange platform. Next, the college will accelerate the promotion of connotation development, transformation development, innovative development, and distinctive development, further expand international exchanges and cooperation, and strive to achieve the goal of fully building Shenyang University of Applied Technology by 2025, contributing to the construction of an "international Shenyang".

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