Takashi Hamada, Consul General of the Japanese Consulate General in Shenyang Visited Shenyang SIASUN Robotics Automation Co., Ltd.
时间:2024-04-10 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

On March 26th, Mr. Chen Shuangwei, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, accompanied Takashi Hamada, Consul General of the Japanese Consulate General in Shenyang on a visit to Shenyang SIASUN Robotics Automation Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang Jin, President of SIASUN Company, introduced the development of the company and exchanged in-depth views on the following exchanges and cooperation with Japan.

President Zhang Jin stated that SIASUN actively expands its presence in the international market and has established overseas subsidiaries and regional centers in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Germany and other places. They have professional engineering teams and advanced research and development production bases overseas to achieve localized implementation and services. Products of SIASUN have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions worldwide, providing industrial upgrading services for over 4000 international enterprises, and establishing deep cooperative relationships with multiple Fortune 500 companies. SIASUN has always regarded communication and cooperation with Japan as a key focus of the company's internationalization strategy. During the China International Import Expo last year, SIASUN signed a strategic cooperation agreement with well-known Japanese companies such as Panasonic Electric, and will carry out extensive cooperation in areas such as intelligent transportation, intelligent equipment, and smart factories. It is hoped that the Japanese Consulate General in Shenyang will leverage its resources and channel advantages to introduce SIASUN to more Japanese enterprises, promote more exchange and cooperation, and SIASUN will continue to deepen its cultivation in Japan, promote cooperation in a wider range and deeper level, and achieve win-win results.

Consul General Takashi Hamada stated that SIASUN is the first company I have visited since taking office as Consul General in Shenyang. The Consulate General attaches great importance to the exchange and cooperation between SIASUN and Japan, and is willing to play a bridging role, providing strong support in promoting SIASUN to Japanese companies and promoting exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

Director Chen Shuangwei stated that SIASUN is a key high-tech enterprise in Shenyang and also one of the key  enterprises for which the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government is providing service and support. The Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government will continue to provide enterprises with higher quality, efficient and accurate services, and make every effort to create an upgraded version of foreign affairs services to safeguard the development of enterprises in the international market and achieve high-quality development.

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