Director Chen Shuangwei of the Municipal Government's Foreign Affairs Office Had a Work Meeting with Deputy General Manager Wang Hai of China Southern Airlines North Branch
时间:2024-07-31 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

On July 19th, Chen Shuangwei, Secretary of the leading Party members group and Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, had a work meeting with Wang Hai, Deputy General Manager of China Southern Airlines North Branch. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on serving national strategies, deepening cooperation between central enterprises and local governments, and achieving integrated development.

Chen Shuangwei said that at present, Shenyang City is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the revitalization and development of Northeast China and Liaoning Province. It is anchoring its goal of accelerating the construction of a national center city and a international central city of Northeast Asia, speeding up the development of “One Hub and Four Centers” and and striving to be a pioneer in building Liaoning into an open and cooperative hub in Northeast Asia. The Foreign Affairs Office of Municipal Government will continue to strengthen the "foreign affairs+" initiative, make every effort to build an "International Shenyang", leverage the advantages of foreign affairs resources, and actively create a first-class market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment. He hopes that the two sides will strengthen cooperation, further enhance the ability and level of foreign affairs service, jointly create the "Assisting the development of Enterprises" service brand, build the "Government -Enterprise Direct Connection" service platform, provide high-quality, convenient and efficient services for enterprises of Shenyang to go global and attracting foreign investment, and make continuous achievement.

Wang Hai expressed his gratitude to the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government for its long-term support and assistance to the North Branch of China Southern Airlines. He will continue to strengthen cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Office, carry out cooperation in areas such as enterprise assistance, platform construction, exchange and joint construction through complementary advantages, resource sharing, and in-depth cooperation, and further promote opening up and high-quality economic and social development.

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