January-February Economic Operation Data
时间:2024-04-10 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website

The production and supply has maintained growth,the investment growth has accelerated,the market vitality has steadily improved,the economic fundamentals have continued to improve,and the development quality has continued to improve.

From January to February this year,Shenyang's economic recovery and positive development trend have been continued.

The industrial production increased steadily, and the growth of key industries expanded.

From January to February, the city's value-added industrial output increased by 5.4% year on year. In terms of major industrial categories, of 36 industries above designated size in the industrial categories in the city, the added value of 24 industries achieved growth, a growth area of 66.7%. In terms of key industries, of the top 10 industries for the total added value, the added value of 9 industries achieved growth, a year-on-year increase of 2 industries.

The growth rate of fixed asset investment accelerated, and the industrial investment saw booming growth.

From January to February, the city's fixed asset investment increased by 6.1% year on year. In terms of investment in key industries and sectors, infrastructure investment increased by 22.9% and industrial investment increased by 28.6%.

The market consumption continued to improve, and the foreign trade grew rapidly.

From January to February, the retail sales of consumer goods above designated size in the city reached CNY 31.40 billion, up 8.0% year on year. The total import and export volume of the city was CNY 22.80 billion, up 13.4% year on year. Among them, the total export volume was CNY 8.43 billion, up 18.5%; and the total import volume was CNY 14.38 billion, up 10.5%.

The electricity consumption grew steadily, and the freight volume continued to grow.

From January to February, the total social electricity consumption in the city was 8.19 billion kilowatt hours, up 9.5% year on year; the total cargo transportation volume in the city was 28.207 million tons, up 8.6% year on year.

The price level remained stable, and the consumer price index rebounded steadily.

From January to February, the consumer price index of the whole city rose 0.1% over the same period of the previous year, with 1.6 percentage points less than the same period of the previous year.

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