The First "Hello, Shenyang" International Youth Summer Camp Successfully Held
时间:2024-08-06 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office

From July 15 to 28, the first "Hello, Shenyang" International Youth Summer Camp was held in Shenyang. The event was co-organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of Shenyang Municipal People’s Government, Shenyang Municipal Committee of China Communist Youth League and Shenyang Normal University. Students from Northwestern University, DePaul University of the USA and Kyungwoon University in South Korea carried out a 14-day exchange study.

Relying on the regional characteristics of Shenyang and the superior subjects of Shenyang Normal University, the summer camp included five main activities, including Chinese learning, special lectures, intangible cultural heritage experience, field visits, and interactive exchanges. Students observed with their eyes, measured with their feet, felt with their hearts, and experienced the charm of open, friendly, dynamic and modern "International Shenyang". It showed Shenyang's rich culture heritage, hospitality, prosperity and openness, and enhanced the understanding of foreign teenagers about Shenyang.

The students said that it was an unforgettable journey of learning and experiencing, and they had a deeper understanding of Shenyang's culture, history and people through this activity. They will introduce the "Hello, Shenyang" International Youth Summer Camp to their classmates and friends, and become ambassadors of friendship, promoting friendly exchange and in-depth cooperation.

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