Shenyang Summer Classical Music Festival - The Music Week of Cultural Exchange Between China and Russia Begins
时间:2024-08-28 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website

On August 14th, with the support and guidance of the Publicity Department of Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio & Television, the Shenyang Summer Classical Music Festival -  the Music Week of Cultural Exchange between China and Russia, hosted by the Dadong District Government, started at the Times Library.

Liu Dawei, Acting Chief of Dadong District says in his speech, that in recent years, Dadong District has thoroughly implemented the important speeches and instructions of  General Secretary Xi Jinping on cultural, tourism, and sports work, focusing on the strategic deployment of Liaoning Province to build a demonstration area for the integration of culture, sports, and tourism in the new era, Shenyang City to build a national central city, and "International Shenyang", anchoring the construction of a strong cultural zone, developing the image of a "Playable Dadong", and creates a number of high-quality cultural activity brands. For this "the Music Week of Cultural Exchange between China and Russia" there have carefully planned 8 classical music performances lasting 4 days, organized a series of artistic activities such as master interview and theme flash mobs, and met the public needs for classical music, presenting an artistic feast of exchange, mutual learning, and harmonious development. Dadong District will take this event as an opportunity to continue enhancing the vitality of cultural innovation and creation, carrying out high-quality cultural and artistic activities, further promoting the exchange of music culture and art between China and foreign countries, enhancing regional and international influence, and promoting the construction of an "International Shenyang".

At the opening ceremony, Valeri Ovsyanikov, conductor of the Mariinsky Theatre in Russia, and Jin Chenghao, chief conductor of the Shenyang Philharmonic Orchestra, cooperated with passion to conduct the performance. Renowned young Russian pianist Pavel Lekros and other renowned Chinese and foreign musicians collaborated to perform classic pieces such as Piano Concerto No. 1, Yellow River Piano Concerto, and Evening in the Moscow Suburbs. The passionate melodies and dynamic notes immersed the hearts of everyone. A symphony enthusiast couldn't help but marvel at the high-level performance and exquisite skills, which brought a soul stirring audio-visual feast and greatly enhanced the audience's aesthetic appreciation.

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