Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office Awarded TBEA Shenyang Transformer Group, Shenyang International Pump Track Park and Sino-German International Street the Title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base"
时间:2024-08-30 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office
On August 20th, Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office awarded TBEA Shenyang Transformer Group, Shenyang International Pump Track Park and Sino-German International Street the title of "Shenyang International Exchange Demonstration Base". 

In recent years, TBEA Shenyang Transformer Group has actively promoted high-tech products in countries along "the Belt and Road" such as Mongolia, Papua New Guinea and Pakistan, promoted the construction of green and efficient power grids, promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of the industry, and driven the export of billions of dollars worth of mechanical and electrical products and tens of thousands of labors.Shenyang International Pump Track Park has always adhered to international standards from design to construction, and has been certified by Guinness World Records as the "world's largest pump track park". Through hosting international events such as the Velosolutions UCI Pump Track World Championships, it attracts athletes, coaches, spectators, and media from all over the world to participate, providing a platform for Shenyang to communicate and interact with the international sports community, enhancing Shenyang's reputation in the international sports field, and becoming a new business card for Shenyang to showcase its international image.Sino-German International Street is the first featured commercial street in Shenyang that combines German and international styles. The buildings in the street perfectly replicate and reshape the unique architectural style of Rothenburg, Bavaria, Germany. With a business area of approximately 4000 square meters, it creates a multi scenario experiential consumption space and an international consumption scene.

Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office fully recognizes the positive role played by TBEA Shenyang Transformer Group, Shenyang International Pump Track Park, and Sino-German International Street in promoting international exchanges and cooperation, enhancing Shenyang's international image, and expanding Shenyang's external influence in recent years. It hopes that the three organizations will continue to actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation, and better showcase Shenyang's image as an open, friendly, dynamic, and modern international city.

Representatives of the three organizations stated that they will take this opportunity to further leverage their own advantages, actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation, vividly tell the story of Shenyang, strive to spread the voice of Shenyang, continuously enhance Shenyang's international reputation and influence, and continuously promote the construction of "International Shenyang".

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