CIEME 2024 Kicks off in Shenyang
时间:2024-09-03 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Municipal Government website
On September 1, the 22nd China International Equipment Manufacturing Exposition (CIEME 2024) was held in Shenyang.

With the theme of "Intelligent Manufacturing, Transformation and Revitalization", the CIEME 2024 brings together top equipment manufacturing enterprises from home and abroad to showcase the latest technological achievements and discuss industry trends.

High-precision CNC machine tools, simulated robots, UR real-person simulation systems, electronic information technology and other high-tech manufacturing industries, high-end intelligent equipment and talent intelligent innovative technologies are the "major characters" of this year's exposition.

The CIEME 2024 attracted equipment manufacturing enterprises from the United States, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries and regions, and equipment manufacturing enterprises from 21 provincial-level regions including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong and Jiangsu, with a total of 946 enterprises.

"Made in Shenyang" has become a shining "star" at the CIEME 2024.

Dancing robots, cool drones, precision crushers that can crush particles to the nanometre level... At the site of CIEME 2024, a series of "intelligent manufacturing" high-tech products from Shenyang have become the most eye-catching highlights. A series of "Made in Shenyang" and "Intelligent Manufacturing in Shenyang ", which represent the most advanced level in contemporary China, have shown the development achievements of the old industrial base in Northeast China to the world through the stage of CIEME 2024.

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