Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee held the Second Online Training Session Themed "Foundation Consolidation, Innovative Breakthroughs and Capacity Enhancement"
时间:2024-09-20 撰稿人: 供稿部门:Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office
To further improve their political competence and capabilities for operational planning, international exchanges, public diplomacy and innovation, Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee held the second online training session themed "Foundation Consolidation, Innovative Breakthroughs and Capacity Enhancement" for the foreign affairs service of Shenyang on September 13. Liu Donghai, Deputy Director of Shenyang Foreign Affairs Office, gave a theme lecture for more than 50 foreign affairs officials from nearly 30 departments of various districts and counties (city) and member departments of Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee.

Using a large number of pictures and cases, Deputy Director Liu Donghai expounded the orientation of foreign-related work in the new era, priorities of foreign-related work at local level and details that require attention during routine work. The trainees highly appreciated the lecture, saying that the lecture stayed problem-oriented, goal-oriented, informative and targeted, has enabled them a better understanding of foreign-related work at local level from a comprehensive perspective and helped improve the quality and efficiency of foreign-related work.

The training session is a specific measure taken by the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee to upgrade the initiative of making full use of the foreign affairs plus model and striving to build Shenyang into a world-class city and to improve opening-up environment, strengthen platforms for opening-up and enhance foreign related services. Next, the Foreign Affairs Office of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee will continue to host training sessions to help cultivate a professionally, competent, and disciplined team for foreign-related work that is loyal to the Party, ready to shoulder responsibilities, courageous and skilled in fighting, and promote foreign-related work to make greater contributions to both the Chinese diplomacy and high-standard social and economic development of Shenyang.

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